
Proposed active travel route between Ayr and Loch Doon.

Aecom are gathering residents views on a proposed active travel route between Ayr and Loch Doon. The Doon Valley Trail aims to transform how people walk, wheel and cycle by providing an accessible, dedicated facility for all journeys to better connect local communities across the Doon Valley area whilst showcasing the surrounding landscape and its heritage.

To find out more, join representatives from Aecom at their engagement events which will run from 1.00pm until 7.00pm each day:

Tuesday 1 August – Dalrymple play park, 18 Barbieston Road, KA6 6DZ

Wednesday 2 August – Patna, Village Green, KA6 7LA

Thursday 3 August – Dalmellington Leisure Centre, Ayr Road, KA6 7SJ

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