
Burnock Bridge Masonry repairs, A70, Ochiltree

As part of an ongoing bridge maintenance programme The Ayrshire Roads Alliance will be carrying out bridge masonry repairs on the A70 Burnock Bridge, Ochiltree. The works involving the taking down and rebuilding of both upstream and downstream parapets are...

B741 Embankment slip remediation works – postponed

As a result of unexpected issues with public utility apparatus within the road, the previously scheduled works on the B741 Coal Glen embankment slip have been put on hold. Although the postponement of these works is disappointing, we are in...

Kilmarnock green infinity loop project

As part of the Kilmarnock Green Infinity Loop project, which will "provide connections between different communities on the outskirts of the town, offering greater access to local facilities". A team of aerial imagery specialists will be operating a small drone...

Local pupils rooting to name new sensory garden

Primary five pupils from Doonfoot Primary school recently paid a visit to see the work in progress at a new sensory garden in the village set to open in June and were invited to take part in a competition to...

Road resurfacing works to be carried out on A77, Fenwick

As part of an ongoing programme to improve the condition of the road network, the Ayrshire Roads Alliance will be carrying out essential road resurfacing works on a stretch of the A77, Fenwick. The works will commence from Saturday 4 until Friday...

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